The world will NOT end. Your personal world (i.e. your mind) will one day come to an end. The earth will outlive anyone.
It would actually be nice if the life span of a human being would be 200-500 years, maybe then they would give up this "the world is gonna end tomorrow, tonight, next week, in 10 years..." etc. etc. Ad Infinitum! Seeing as that after such a long time without proof it may convince them of their backwardness.
Wishfull thinking I guess, cause even then they wouldn't stop preaching the endtime message. Living is just so unbearable for most that they want to see it end soon because of a so called paradise awaiting or just plain boredom, or both! How utterly feeble.
The thing is that when these doomsayers meet their end is that they can't have regret for having wasted their and other people's time with their bullshit... such a shame. If there was just a brief 10 minute prolonging of life before death to show that they've wasted their life so much... "too bad, so sad, bye bye."
Self fullfilling prophecy is what most of them are adhering to anyway.
They despise freedom and are not afraid to lose that which is most precious. They are dangerous. An extreme liability. A virus spreading for thousands of years.
If animals could talk and think they wouldn't know what the hell is wrong with the human animal. Much less care about it. Only that the human animal will also be responsible for the demise of the rest of the animals.
Such assholes most humans turn out to be. Posting these blogs daily sure is proof of that!
If you're not ridden by a life threatening disease of some sort consider yourself lucky to be alive and get to do what you do; whatever that is.
It seems that most waste their time so lifelessly that when the hour of death comes the will to live all of a sudden emerges as they 'don't want to go' but rather just keep boring themselves and others to death in life?!
Such Assholes.
Little wonder I've become so Misanthropic and a borderline recluse. Luckily I've learned to shut up when there's nothing to say, smile politely and walk away unscathed. Keeps me going. That & good looking women...
On that note, here's a song that pretty much says it in a nutshell: "Kill all the Assholes" by S.O.D. (with lyrics below the video). Always puts a grin on my face...
Assholes and opinions, everyone's a saint
I say don't discriminate
Let's increase the hate
Manipulating governments,
The t.v. is their tool
God is saying just be praying
Everything is cool
Preachers praying on their flock
Mounting them on holy cock
Shove a bull whip up your ass
Call it art, I have to laugh
Our world is run by power hungry,
Selfish, greedy pricks
They want us to divide,
Unite and turn the tide
Kill, Kill, Kill
Kill the Assholes! Kill all the Assholes!
We're gonna rise, unite and turn the tide
Join in the fight, kill the assholes tonight!
Politicians, looking to get their pecker piped
Jesus freaks killing in the name of human rights
Ozone decay, what's the fucking deal
Looking for a meteor in your unhappy meal
Space ships, aliens, titanic sinks again
Peace in the middle east
When will the madness end?
Our world is run by power hungry, selfish greedy pricks
They want us to divide, unite and turn the tide
Kill, Kill, Kill
Kill the assholes! kill all the assholes!
We're gonna rise, unite and turn the tide
Join in the fight, kill the assholes tonight!
When the toilet is full you flush down the waste
And our toilet is full and is floating in space
We're human waste floating in space
Human waste
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