Saturday, October 1, 2011

On Critique & Hypocrisy

Crititque according to Wikipedia: "Critique is a method of disciplined, systematic analysis of a written or oral discourse. Critique is commonly understood as fault finding and negative judgement, but it can also involve merit recognition, and in the philosophical tradition it also means a methodical practice of doubt. The contemporary sense of critique has been largely influenced by the Enlightenment critique of prejudice and authority, which championed the emancipation and autonomy from religious and political authorities. Critique is an accepted format of written and oral debate."

Critique seems to me -in general life as I've witnessed- to be nothing more than one displaying negativity on that which said person never has undergone or experienced (with or without ability).

People think, people do, either one has a capacity to do that which gratifies and lives up to each person's expectation.

In comes someone who has criticism towards something that he/she dislikes.

If life consists of nothing more than getting up, going to work, have a drink or two, have kids, tend to your garden (if you're lucky to have one, if not to your common house plant), watch TV & going back to bed and feel disdain over all you may or may not have accomplished negativity is triggered towards someone/something not to one's liking.

If life consists of a daily struggle for survival your end justifies your means BUT criticism comes from another perspective towards the aformentioned person in that 'they have everything' and so have nothing to complain about.

If one is a public figure which upholds a standard and/or example (be it in music, movies, politics etc.), brutal, justified/unjustified critique is part of your everyday life from persons not in that position in that 'they have the 'freedom' to do anything' unknowing they camp with the same bullshit as the latter two.

Misconception (linking to jealousy and unhappiness) is a primary mover in any such cases. Meaning that, in every walk in life someone is displeased toward another about which way they do or say things.

The most important question (ever) is Why?

Life is made up of the most wonderful and horrible experiences. As such, to make the best out of either is to accomplish to a better end. Yet the need to contradict, revolt, and show contempt for anything that's not to one's liking is immeasurable. But to have gratitude, respect (if earned), and be graceful as an upstanding individual seems to be a hard and mostly forced quality.

Hypocrisy steps in.

Hypocrisy according to Wikipedia: "Hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have beliefs, opinions, virtues, ideals, thoughts, feelings, qualities, or standards that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.

And Jung on the General Hypocrisy of Man

"C. G. Jung a few times referred to the hypocrisy of people who are not aware of the dark or shadow-side of their nature.
Every individual needs revolution, inner division, overthrow of the existing order, and renewal, but not by forcing them upon his neighbors under the hypocritical cloak of Christian love or the sense of social responsibility or any of the other beautiful euphemisms for unconscious urges to personal power (Jung, 1966:5).

It is under all circumstances an advantage to be in full possession of one's personality, otherwise the repressed elements will only crop up as a hindrance elsewhere, not just at some unimportant point, but at the very spot where we are most sensitive. If people can be educated to see the shadow-side of their nature clearly, it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and love their fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more self-knowledge can only have good results in respect for our neighbor; for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and violence we inflict upon our own natures (Jung, 1966:par. 28).
In New Paths in Psychology (1916) Jung pointedly referred to the "hypocritical pretenses of man".
Dream-analysis above all else mercilessly uncovers the lying morality and hypocritical pretences of man, showing him, for once, the other side of his character in the most vivid light (Jung, 1966:par. 437)."
Hypocrisy to me seems nothing more than vicarious living through someone else's belief systems (a sheep?) and -though having ability- keeps to his/herself for fear of being criticised(?).

Thus having nothing to show for and achievement is lacking yet being of opinion that 'if I had what they would have, I'd accomplish the same if not more...' is what the misguided hypocrite would live by so as to keep his/her pride intact. It runs deep, very deep. Daily interactions with the human animal is proof of that!

By and large, if unchecked I'd say everybody I cross nowadays is the most critical hypocrite (compulsive liar) that ever lived. Always stories and anecdotes about how 'they' are the ones doing it wrong. If heard too many times you start to wonder: Who are 'they'?

They are them, you, me, everyone. In everyone's eyes everyone's wrong... except yourself (and the one you're talking to to point this out who maybe agrees with you by nodding yet can't wait for you to shut up!); a masochistic tendency towards righteousness. So who's right? Same with religion. There are so many out there. Who's right?

For example, if your in a room of people and one table is talking about how they or 'some people' are wrong and the next table is saying the same, who are they talking about? I'll tell you, they're talking about each other!

It comes to the point where you have to decide if you want to be a hermit or join one of the many clans with innumerable opinions about 'them'. Of course, that is, if you were ever aware or noticed that this is how humans interact...

Being part of anything is ussually a lament song of a weak and unimaginative mind; the need to belong to something; anything. Being left out is a no no, having a will is even a greater 'sin'. Why...?

Conclusion: If you have critique it's probably because you're an hypocrite. Said flat out, you're an asshole. Remember what Dirt Harry said in The Dead Pool?: "Opinions are like assholes... everbody's got one." And in this case everybody is one too.


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