Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Texas farmer stung to death by killer bees

A farmer near Waco, Texas, was killed by a swarm of about 40,000 killer bees after he drove by their hive on Saturday. The Waco Herald-Tribune reports that the victim, Larry Goodwin, was on his tractor and hit an unused chicken coop which housed the hive and the lethal Africanized honey bees attacked. Goodwin's family told NBC station KCEN of Waco that every bit of exposed skin was covered with stings. "He had thousands and thousands of bee stings on his face and arms," his daughter Tanya told KCEN. Goodwin of Moody, Tex., tried to save himself by running to a garden hose but was unsuccessful. A neighbour who tried to help, along with responding volunteer firefighters, were also stung several times by the aggressive bees.


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