Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Woman taking photos falls to her death

Posted 04/27/2010

A woman has fallen to her death in South Australia's south-east while trying to take a picture of the rocky shore at Cape Douglas, about 25 kilometres from Mount Gambier.

The 30-year-old Victorian tourist's husband pulled her from the water after she fell 50 metres down a cliff face and into the ocean about 11.30am (ACST).

Emergency services arrived to find the man attempting to resuscitate his wife who was later pronounced dead.

The woman and her husband were on holiday from Ouyen in western Victoria.

It is understood she was trying to take a photo of the shoreline at Cape Douglas, just north of the popular tourist spot Port MacDonnell, when she slipped and fell into the water.

Port MacDonnell CFS Captain Grant Sensom says he arrived as the ambulance crew were attempting to revive the woman.

"When we arrived on the scene we had the ambulance desperately working on the young lady, and from our understanding the partner had retrieved the lady from the water or swam out and retrieved her and already started his revival resuscitation," he said.

Captain Sensom says the fall sends a reminder to people to take extra care around rocky ledges.

"Take photos, but take them with care or even just looking around, rock climbing, whatever else - these accidents do happen whether you're a local or interstate traveller," he said.

Mount Gambier police will prepare a report for the coroner.

From: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/04/27/2883847.htm

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