Thursday, January 30, 2014

Arizona reverend performs exorcisms via Skype — and Norwegian man he claims to have freed

Volumes could be written on this cuntfuck-shithead-liar about his devout hypocrisy and stupidity, and what a low life scumbag and scam artist Bob Larson really is. Hell! a whole lifetime blog could be dedicated to this superstitious bastard up in his luxurious house living with his brainwashed daughters, who are out doing the same insignificunt kinda of horseshit anywhere they can. Everytime his name gets mentioned I get fueled with the utmost contempt and hatred. That stupid face, his dumb cross and book, nobody yet punched his lights out?! THAT is fucking miracle.... I hope in my heart of hearts he meets the most horrific death man can imagine, the most brutal, the most fucked up you ever can imagine, and I hope I am alive to see this day. Fuck him, sincerely. He is the most pathetic, he is the most worthless, he is a sham. A complete liar and charlatan. Those who support him? Die with him, the most useless and boring death, for you are as he is, a cancer, a disease, the reason all is fucked and continues to get fucked because of extremists views by muslims, jews, christians and all their poisonous ilk with their lies, and utter and extreme -out of proportion- BULLSHIT of what is and what is not. Fuck them all, they are NOT worthy of life, they oppose nature and cast a shadow ever so foul. Their end justifies their means and it is fucked, for everyone. ROOT THEM OUT.


In an exorcism performed before a CNN crew, Rev. Bob Larson of Scottsdale goes face-to-face with a Norwegian man whom Larson believes to have been possessed by not one, but four demons.

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