Saturday, December 28, 2013

Chinese cab driver burns himself alive while grabbing hold of traffic officer who refused to cancel a parking ticket

A rickshaw driver set himself on fire after he spotted a policeman giving him a parking ticket. Guo Huang, 43, was setting down a passenger when he spotted the traffic officer writing him a ticket for illegal parking in a no parking zone in the city of Tangshan in Hebei province, northern China. According to the passenger, the driver leapt out of the taxi and started shouting at the official, Hsin Ch'in, who refused to cancel the ticket. Huang then grabbed a can of liquid from the taxi and doused himself in it, saying he was going to burn himself to death.

But when the the policeman went to remonstrate with the driver, he grabbed the officer and then flicked the switch on the lighter, engulfing them both in flames. The cop managed to break free of the man's grip and escaped with slight burns. Officer Hsin told local TV: 'It was terrifying, he was trying to get to me after I broke free but he couldn't see, even his face was in flames. I just ran and kept on running. I didn't even look back.' Huang's charred and blackened corpse lay on the side of the road after the incident, terrifying passers-by.

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