Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ringleader Arrested In Home Invasion Involving Hot Oil

Posted: 11:53 am EST February 3, 2010
Updated: 6:31 pm EST February 3, 2010

PALM BAY, Fla. -- Home invaders were so cruel to their victims, police say, they tortured them with hot cooking oil. Police told Eyewitness News on Wednesday they've found the ringleader, and two others, who attacked a single mother and her seven children in December.

The torture that family endured is unbelievable. Police say the robbers didn’t just throw hot oil on their victims, they forced the mother and her eldest teenager to put their hands into a frying pan filled with hot cooking oil to try and get them to tell them where their money was.

The man police say is the ringleader is behind bars, in part, because of an observant young boy and Wednesday wasn't the first time Leaundrea Parker has appeared before a judge in jail. His arrest record is eight pages long, but now he is accused of one of the most horrific home invasions police in Palm Bay can remember.

Police suspect Parker and three others went to the home on December 5, armed with guns, and broke in while six children were home alone. When their mother and another child showed up while the robbers were still there, they doused them with scalding oil that could have topped 300 degrees.

“We know their motive was robbery. Their intent was to get as much cash as they could, but we don't know exactly why they chose our victims,” said Det. Mark Mynheir, Palm Bay Police Department.

The thieves left in the family's SUV and set fire to another getaway car, but they left behind a black hat and a mask.

“We had some people help us out in the investigation. We also used some technology, some DNA,” Mynheir said.

Police say DNA found on the items tied them to Parker and, it turns out, one of the children noticed a dollar sign on one of the masked suspects during the home invasion. Police say Parker has the same tattoo.

Leaundrea Parker told police he was in the Cocoa area, but police tracked his cell phone records and discovered he had used cell phone towers near the victims’ home in Palm Bay.

Leaundrea is being held on more than $1 million bond. Two other suspects are in custody, but their names have not been released.


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