Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fed-up husband stabbed his wife to death because he felt their lives on benefits and watching TV were meaningless

A jobless husband stabbed his wife to death because he felt their life together on benefits had become meaningless. Michael Cole, 56, wanted to make a suicide pact with his 53-year-old wife Susan because all they did was watch TV. He went on to kill her with a hammer and knife when she refused. He remained with her body at their seaside home for two days before calling the police to confess, Exeter Crown Court was told. The couple were both depressed by having no work and little money to live on and felt their life had become meaningless because they spent every day at home watching daytime television. After killing his wife he tried to take his own life by taking an overdose and cutting his wrists, but survived both attempts. Cole, of Torquay, Devon, admitted murder and was jailed for life with a minimum term of 12 years and three months by Judge Francis Gilbert, QC.

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